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“Whatever other theories we hold, we must recognize the ‘vis medicatrix naturae’ (the body’s natural ability to heal itself) in some shape or other.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes

About Us

Sweet Calm provides a holistic approach to health and healing! The Nuaceutical philosophy is based on a set of ancient practices which have been lost for ages. We explore an exhaustive variety of both Western and Eastern practices for health and healing in addition to biomedical research and clinical approaches that traditional medical doctors employ. These include traditional Chinese medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, and herbal medicine, as well as western medical approaches such as pharmacology and toxicology.

What We Do

The goal is cellular nourishment. Sweet Calm products are designed to prevent and address the root cause of the disease. We consider your full well-being and view you as an active participant in your health and healing.

"Nature is the physician of diseases"

~ Hippocrates ~

"Whatever other theories we hold we must recognize the 'vis medicatrix naturae'

(the body's natural ability to heal itself) in some shape or other."

~Oliver Wendell Holmes ~


For as Ambrose Pare wrote on the walls of the great medical school, the

Ecole de Medicine of Paris, these words:

"Je le ponsez et Dieu le guarit, "

which translated is:

"I dress the wound, and God healed it."

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