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According to WHO (2021), diabetes rose from 108 million in 2008 to 

463 million in 2020 and it’s expected to rise to 700 million by 2045.  It’s the 7th leading cause of death in the United States and 9th leading cause of death globally.  Worldwide, it’s the primary cause of kidney failure and blindness. Diabetes is characterized by high sugar in the blood.  There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 occurs mostly in children and young adults.  In type 1 diabetes the pancreas no longer produces insulin.  Type 2 diabetes occurs usually in adults that are overweight or obese. It begins with insulin resistance.  Over a period of time the body starts to make less insulin.  It can be reversed if the root cause is identified and addressed properly.  


Studies indicate that men are twice likely to develop Diabetes than women. Once men develop diabetes its likely they will develop anxiety, depression, heart disease, kidney problem, and stroke. Whereas women are less likely to develop these conditions. Therefore, due to the distinct differences in the endocrine system of men and women, there must be an alternative method to control the symptoms of diabetes effectively. Managing Diabetes is not a one size fits all!! 



Now there is a never-before-seen quantum leap approach to healthy blood sugar support and balancing of the endocrine system with - Sweet Calm: Men & Women


 Sweet Calm is an unparalleled, powerfully, unique blend of high-quality botanicals; organic compounds and other nutritional ingredients that work synergistically to support healthy blood glucose levels; promote healthy insulin regulation and restore healthy liver and pancreatic function. 


Complete with established therapeutic dosages of ingredients - Sweet Calm has been shown by analysis of performance and results to make a  significant contribution to proper glucose levels as well as overall health and nutrition. No side effects!


 Carefully following a physician monitored insulin program - coupled with a healthy and balanced diet; regular exercise; sufficient sleep & stress management can literally be a life saver.

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